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Your HR Department for Rent

Solving business issues with people programs

Welcome To Company 

HRX is an HR Department for Rent

At HRX, we believe your HR Department should add value to your business. Everything HRX does begin with questioning the value that will be added to the business by our actions. We define value by what business problems are being solved.

Unique Approach – Business Driven Decision Making

Our approach is to deliver HR that moves the business forward. We customize our engagement to meet the needs of our clients. There is no “cookie cutter” approach at HRX. We build relationships with our clients so that we can deliver HR solutions that are meaningful and impactful to the specific client company.

Company First

Affordable Solution

Relationship Based


Focus on Your Mission

Contact us about your people issues and customized solutions.

The first thing a company need to make sure of is that there is a working bus. HRX helps to make sure that the company design meets the company’s goals. Unfortunately, there may be some individual in a company that cannot or refuse to align with the company’s goals. Assisting a company to manage through these difficult employee decisions, is a core competency of HRX.

Hiring the right people is one of the most impactful ways to change direction and culture of a company. The right influx of talent can move a company to success. HRX can assist in finding the right people, with the right skills and the right attitude.

Sometimes a company can have the right people, but they are just in the wrong job. HRX can help move people into the right job that is best for the employee and the company.

HRX performs HR services with the purpose of moving a company toward building a great bus.

Working Bus

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